F1 & Rover enthusiast | Roboticist | Developer
Call me a technology addict! A curious knowledge seeker with an appetite to master in depth amazing technologies. I want to apply in all of them. Yes, I want to be the next Einstein in every single things there is .Wait a second! I don't want to spend all of my life only in digging up stuffs. I will create a lot of things to change the world In Shaa Allah (Which I don't know yet)
Basically I'm a student. That's not the only way you should look at me. I am a performer, a community person who likes to meet people, talk about initiatives, overcome challenges and love to do coding.
Contact with me
This is Humanoid Medical Robot-71 which was made for medical purposes. The robot is made as a medical assistant which will help the doctor in medical science.
The day was 12th January 2021. At this day, I gave a presentation on our robot given in picture at the National Museum of Science and Technology.
Mayor of Feni pouroshova called us to present our robot in front of him.
This prize is for project display in science fair.We got the first prize in junior group.
I got the prize in 42nd National Science Fair quiz compition.
This prize is for project display in 42nd National Science Fair and our team perticipated in special group.
This prize is for being the first in 41 National science fair in 2019 for project display in junior group.
This prize is for being the second runner up in science fair for project display in district round.
Got the prize for being the champion in science fiction writting by "protizog.com".
I have been awarded by "Students and Others" organization for being first runner up in project display category.
I have been certified by National Museum of Science and Technology for perticipating robotics related science fair.
For being second runner up in National Newspaper Olympiad season 2..
Last updated 3 mins ago
Got a chance to represent "Bangladesh" in "India"
Junior category winner
We compited in Special group
We compited in "Special" group
We comited for the School level